Page to Stage: Tevye the Dairyman (Fiddler on the Roof) Book Discussion

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Program Type:

Book Discussion

Age Group:


Program Description

Event Details

This program is for teens who are attending Page to Stage: Fiddler on the Roof at the Argyle Theatre in Babylon.  To register for the trip (and this book discussion), CLICK HERE:

Teens are encouraged to read Tevye the Dairyman by Sholem Aleichem in advance and attend our Book to Stage discussion of the text at the Library.  We will serve snacks, talk about the book, and discuss our favorite adaptations, and how they translated the work to a new medium.

Copies of Tevye the Dairyman are available in print at the Library or as an ebook or audiobook on Libby.


Allergen Notice

Please review the program description for any potential allergies before signing yourself or a loved one up for this program.

Photography Notice

Pictures/Videos taken at or for library events or activities may be posted online, printed in our newsletter or other print media, or displayed in-house.

If you do not want yourself and/or your minor child photographed, please notify the librarian/photographer at the time of the event.